jeudi 14 mai 2020

15 science-backed tips to get a cat that loves you

    Cats have long been accused of being solitary. Unlike dogs, most cats don’t like every person they see right away. Some people appreciate that you should earn your cat’s affection. Others (I) find it frustrating. So how do you get a cat or a cat you love?
    • get a cat that loves you
    • How do you make your cat love you
    • Why does my cat love me so much
    • Can cats be obsessed with their owners
    • Do my cats love me
    • How do I tell my cat I love him
    Like many other humans, cats may find mysterious creatures. But believe it or not, it is not difficult to make friends with cats if you know what to do. Here are some tips on how to communicate effectively with a cat, drawn from scientific studies and my own experience as a researcher and counselor for cat behavior.


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